Helping Photographers to Find a More Focused Work Flow

Contributor Portal Scopio

We designed the portal because artists need their creative space. Many have commented that the contributor portal is user-friendly and easy to navigate - this is music to our designers ears... 

So how exactly was the portal designed, and what type of workflow did the designers have in mind?

Is it navigable?

When a user first logs into the contributor portal, are they able to easily distinguish the various options, and navigate to different areas of the portal? 

Yes, the portal is designed with the site menu on the left hand side of the screen and the page menu on the top of the screen.

Does it provide the user with key information?

Yes, the contributors are able to see their image statistics right when they log into the portal. They are provided with key information such as their image views, total downloads, total saves, images 'in review' and important 'image detail' information. 

Is it a space where the contributor can progress?

Absolutely, the contributor is now easily able to log in and submit new images at any time of day. They can submit hourly, daily, weekly - however they wish! 

Can the contributor get paid?

Sure thing! The contributor can navigate over to the Payment Section and go to my earnings, where they can fill out their tax information, then cash out their earnings through our PayPal integration.

How else can the user benefit?

Perks, perks, perks! We have got plenty of them. From working with partners such as Adobe, Canva, Luminar, 99 Designs, and even to hosting exclusive perks and image deals that are only available to Scopio contributors.

Is there a help center?

100%, you will find all the information you need in our help center! From what types of images to submit, to payment information, and more.

How to find your portal workflow

Our Co Founder, and portal designer, Nour Chamoun, shares her favorite area of the portal - The Statistics Page! 

In this area you can see your image views, downloads and any image details, by clicking on the image, such as the meta data which includes the captions and keywords that are tagged by A.I.



The ideal flow:

1. Log into your portal & view your image statistics,

2. Gauge what is needed to allow your self to continue growing and earning money as an artist/photographer

3. Go to the submission page to submit more authentic and diverse images

4. Head over to the payment center to cash out on your new earnings

5. Take a peak at the Perks Section, to see if there are any opportunities you want to grab! 

Of course, you are free to design and navigate as you wish! 

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