Take Me Somewhere: The Best Hashtags for Travel

Take Me Somewhere: The Best Hashtags for Travel

As social media becomes even more crowded, more nomadic bloggers are hunting for the best hashtags for travel. But no worries — we’ve rounded up the best of the best!

Everything gets lost in the sea of social media — which is definitely a blessing and a curse. No matter how much you refresh a popular social media feed (think Twitter’s trending hashtags or über-popular Instagram hashtags), you’ll get fresh new content coming in by the hour, minute or even second. And as long as you have internet access, you have an endless font of entertainment to scroll through. How’s that for instant gratification?

But on the other hand, your posts can get lost on these cavernous servers, and other high-quality visual content can be hard to find between the spam, memes and junk. This has forced social media users — and stellar travel photographers in particular — to create their own Instagram niches with highly specialized hashtags.

Whether you’re interested in urban scenes, exotic travel locales or shots of ethnic food, these 10 travel hashtags will help you grow your follower count organically, stockpile likes, meet like-minded social media photographers and maybe even be featured by travel blogs. And who doesn’t want that kind of belonging?

If you’re a social media photographer looking to promote your travel shots or get some more exposure, make sure you’re using the best hashtags for travel feeds. You never know who will discover your posts!

And If you’d like to take things a step further by selling your photos and videos to brands while still retaining the rights to your photos, click here. As a social-media savvy startup, we’re devoted to promoting authentic photos from everyday people. We’ll be sure to set up a payment with you if one of our clients picks up your work. Still curious? Here’s what a few of our photographers have to say.

1. #TravelStoke


#TravelStoke isn’t just one of the best hashtags for travel — it actually represents an app of the same name.

2. #DameTraveler


Similar to #TravelStoke, #DameTraveler is more than just a hashtag. Dame Traveler is actually an extremely popular blog dedicated to traveling women around the world. Founded by Nastasia Wong, the blog projects “strength, fearlessness and courage” — virtues any woman needs when she’s trekking across the globe.

It goes without saying that #DameTraveler is one of many great Instagram hashtags for travel photography by (or of) women. If you have these kinds of photos, you can also submit them to Scopio’s visual library. If your work is scoped out by companies, we’ll pay you!

3. #UnlimitedParadise


Are your shots a little more nature, tropical or beach-oriented? Try tacking on this hashtag.

4. #MyTinyAtlas


Contrary to what you’d think, this tag isn’t just photos of small towns. Use #MyTinyAtlas for a chance to be featured by Tiny Atlas Quarterly‘s Instagram account, which boasts over 121,000 followers.

If being featured by brands, companies, news outlets and companies is more your thing, be sure to submit your great work to Scopio’s image library. We’ll pay you per use of your photos or videos.

5. #NeverStopExploring


With over 10 million posts, this slogan-turned-hashtag is sure to get you a diverse, highly talented audience.

6. #VacationWolf 


Accidentally took the wrong trail but we got here eventually ?

A post shared by Chloe Barry-Hang (@chloe_bh) on

Each week, the VacationWolf Instagram account shares amazing pictures common travel destinations. Tag and upload yours for a chance to be featured — or just to get a few more likes.

7. #DarlingEscapes


Day one at Santa Monica Pier ? #jandkventures

A post shared by K. (@krisnloves) on

Young travelers, this is the one for you. This aesthetically pleasing hashtag community is also watched by Darling Escapes, a luxury travel blog for millennials. You can also submit photo essays to them directly, or upload portfolio snippets to Scopio’s library to be scoped out by larger companies.

8. #SideWalkerDaily


"Шеф, задание выполнено". Мне получившееся фото напоминает кадр из какого-то фильма в стиле "Королевства полной луны" ?⛺️. Эти чайкоматы в Турции шедевральны! Я сразу захотела поставить их по всему Реутову! Я бы звонила по чайке своему шефу каждый день с отчетами ?. Парка @sunny_fox_spb, всем, кто едет с нами в Исландию, я очень рекомендую ее. В пустыне Каппадокия этот трансформер пригодился сильно: так как перепады температур большие, то подкладка, которая становится самостоятельным предметом гардероба, весьма кстати с утра, а верх яркий, красивый, отлично сидит и закрывает самую важную часть от непогоды. Полосатая подкладка изнутри вводит меня, визуала, в экстаз, когда я надеваю свою соломенную шляпу. Я не ожидала, что она настолько идеальна. Мои искренние рекомендации этому бренду, модель идеально подошла мне. // "Chief, the task is done." I make a photo resembling a frame from a movie in the style of "Moonrise Kingdom". These telephone booths in Turkey are masterpiece! I immediately wanted to put them all over my town! I would call my boss every day with reports. Jacket @sunny_fox_spb.

A post shared by Kristina Makeeva↟Kotleta↟Timon (@hobopeeba) on

Like #DameTraveler, this hashtag is meant specifically for female travelers. It also represents a private collective of vacationers who value style.

9. #ABMTravelBug


How could anyone get through a list of travel hashtags without mentioning one from A Beautiful Mess? If you’re interested, the lifestyle blog also has a comprehensive hashtag guide for all of your hashtagging needs.

If you’d like to expand your audience to brands, upload a few snapshots here.

10. #REI1440Project


“There are 1,440 minutes in a day,” REI writes. “That’s 1,440 opportunities to step outside, to experience something new, to see the world a little differently.” And thus, REI’s 1440 Project was born. Outdoorsy types were encouraged to upload their moments to fill up an online timeline.

Though the #REI1440Project made the list for the best hashtags for travel, it’s not really like the others. Use this hashtag to celebrate the wonders of the great outdoors, whether you’re camping, fishing or trekking along a trail. Just note that even though the 1440 Project is officially retired, the hashtag is still highly active and a great way to reach a larger audience. You can also give #OptOutside a try — another hashtag sponsored by REI.

Here’s a handy list of the best hashtags for travel. Copy and paste these into new Instagram posts for better exposure on your social feeds: 


#REI1440Project #ABMTravelBug #SideWalkerDaily #VacationWolf #DarlingEscapes #NeverStopExploring #MyTinyAtlas #UnlimitedParadise #DameTraveler #TravelStoke

Scopio is the industry’s premier search and licensing platform for images and videos on social media. We help companies find and use the photos and videos that matter to their audience, from capturing content to evaluating the analytics on campaigns. Want to sell photos online? Visit our super-handy submit page, or chat with us. Wondering how to find authentic visuals that brighten up your emails? Request a demo with the button below or email [email protected]. Featured photo by Saumya Verma/Scopio submission.

The post Take Me Somewhere: The Best Hashtags for Travel appeared first on Scopio.

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